Initial Consultation
Online only
Standard Therapy Fees
Per session
Free online initial consultation
A free 20 minute online initial consultation via Zoom may be offered. The duration of the consultation is limited to 20 minutes and it is an opportunity for you to ask questions and discover whether therapy is right for you. No therapy will be provided and free initial consultations are available online only.
If you have any questions prior to booking your first session and are unable to access an online consultation, please submit your questions via the form on the contact page, or alternatively, a phone consultation may be offered instead.
A deposit of £40 is payable to confirm all online initial consultations and must be paid at least 24 hours before the consultation start time to confirm the appointment. Where an initial consultation is not required, the deposit is payable within 48 hours of booking your first therapy session in order to confirm the appointment booking.
The deposit is in addition to any session fees and is refunded at or following your final session, subject to the terms in the Client Agreement.
For more information about Stop Smoking and Weight Loss hypnotherapy programmes please get in touch.
All bookings, appointments, fees and payments are subject to the terms and conditions in the Client Agreement.
By making a payment via this website, you understand and accept the terms of the Client Agreement. Payments via this website may appear on your credit card, debit card or Paypal statement as Hypnotherapy-Downloads.com
* The deposit will be refunded at or following your final session or initial consultation, subject to the terms in the Client Agreement, except where the deposit forms part of the programme fees.

Online Payment
Please do not make any deposit or therapy session payments unless you have already contacted me and an initial consultation or therapy session has been booked.
Secures your initial consultation or first therapy session
Therapy Sessions
Hypnotherapy & Talking Therapies
50 minutes per session